Kategórie Výrobcovia
katSpotrebná elektronika
katNabíjačky batérií, powerbanky, zdroje
katKopírky a faxy
katMultimetre, skúšačky
katSvetelné zdroje
katVF technika, antény, drobné elektro, príslušenstvo
katDržiaky na TV, diaľkové ovládače
katPredlžovacie prívody, navijaky, vidlice, príslušenstvo SCHUKO
katZásuvky, vidlice, adaptéry, časovače, ostatné
katUniverzálne sieťové adaptéry, power banky
katNabíjačky batérií
katZáložné zdroje (UPS) a prepäťové ochrany
katTV audio príslušenstvo
katVF technika, antény, DVB-T2
katOsobné a kuchynské váhy
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katTermostaty, detektory CO a dymu
katInštalačný materiál, pásky
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    katČítačky čipových kariet
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    katHuby a repeatery
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katMeteostanice, teplomery, váhy, ostatné
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katČistiace prostriedky
katHerná zóna
katSkrinky a zdroje
katTelefóny a GPS
katHard disky-externé
katČítačky pamäťových kariet
katKáble, adaptéry a konektory
katZdravá výživa a gastro špeciality
katSieťové prvky
katGSM telefóny
katElektronická evidencia tržieb
katNotebooky príslušenstvo
katPamäťové karty
katKlávesnice, myši, joysticky
katUSB kľúče
katSpotrebný materiál
katLaminátory, viazacie stroje a príslušenstvo
katKáble, konektory, redukcie, USB huby
katMonitory a projekčné zariadenia
katTV a monitory príslušenstvo
katSkartovače a rezačky
katFoto a video
katKancelárske potreby
katCD/DVD duplikátory
katInteligentná domácnosť
katMultimédiá / audio
katBatérie, nabíjačky, power banky
katHard disky
katProjektory a príslušenstvo
katTlačiarne a MFP
katMédiá CD,DVD,BR, boxy, obaly
Podporované platby
Elektronická platba kartou
Elektronická platba prostredníctvom TatraPay


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Zobrazujem 1 až 21 (z 41 produktov) Stránky:  12 [následujúca>>]

Kapacita: 1TB Velikost: 2.5" Konektivita: USB 3.0 Délka: 80mm Výška: 117mm Tloušťka: 14.8mm Typická hmotnost: 170g Záruka: 2 roky Obsah balení: - Expansion Portable hard drive - USB 3.0 cable - Quick start guide------------------ ----------

73.83 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks

Externí hardisk 2,5" Seagate Expansion Portable 2TB, černý Ukládání je jednoduché za pomocí drag-and-drop Vysoká rychlost přenosu dat za pomocí USB 3.0. Technické specifikace Rozměry Délka 115.3mm Šířka 80mm Výška 12.6mm Váha 0.159kg Veliko

95.73 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks
Seagate Expansion Portable, 5TB externí HDD, 2.5

Device Location: External Hard Drive Type: Portable Form Factor: 2.5" Storage Capacity: 5TB Supports Data Channel: USB 3.0

151.31 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks
Seagate One Touch Hub, 6TB externí HDD, 3.5

Kapacita: 6 TB Typ disku: 3,5" Rozhraní: USB 3.0 One Touch External Hard Drives, SSDs, & Hubs Usnadněte si práci se seznamem úkolů Život je náročný a zálohování digitálních vzpomínek je vždy na seznamu úkolů. S One Touch Hub si ho můžete od

134.94 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
Seagate One Touch with Password, 1TB externí HDD, 2.5

Password activated hardware encryption helps keep files and photos safe Textured metal finish fits in with modern lifestyle elements Compatible with USB 3.0 Powered by USB connection — offers customised backup and folder mirroring Drop file

68.40 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
Seagate One Touch with Password, 1TB externí HDD, 2.5

Password activated hardware encryption helps keep files and photos safe Textured metal finish fits in with modern lifestyle elements Compatible with USB 3.0 Powered by USB connection — offers customised backup and folder mirroring Drop file

62.79 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
Seagate One Touch with Password, 2TB externí HDD, 2.5

Password activated hardware encryption helps keep files and photos safe Textured metal finish fits in with modern lifestyle elements Compatible with USB 3.0 Powered by USB connection — offers customised backup and folder mirroring Drop file

85.77 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
Seagate One Touch with Password, 4TB externí HDD, 2.5

Password activated hardware encryption helps keep files and photos safe Textured metal finish fits in with modern lifestyle elements Compatible with USB 3.0 Powered by USB connection — offers customised backup and folder mirroring Drop file

120.57 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
Seagate One Touch with Password, 5TB externí HDD, 2.5

Password activated hardware encryption helps keep files and photos safe Textured metal finish fits in with modern lifestyle elements Compatible with USB 3.0 Powered by USB connection — offers customised backup and folder mirroring Drop file

140.76 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
Seagate Ultra Touch External Hard Drive, 4TB externí HDD, 2.5

HDD External Drive Specifications Type of External Drive: Hard Disk Drive Hard Drive Internal Form Factor: 2.5" Storage Capacity: 4 TB Data Channel External: USB 3.0 Requires Operating System: Apple Mac OS , Microsoft Windows HDD External I

116.86 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks
TRANSCEND 1TB StoreJet 25H3B SLIM, 2.5”, USB 3.0 (3.1 Gen 1) Externí Anti-Shock disk, tenký profil, černo/modrý

TRANSCEND 1TB StoreJet 25H3B SLIM, 2.5”, USB 3.0 (3.1 Gen 1) Externí Anti-Shock disk, tenký profil, černo/modrý Moderní, kompaktní a velmi rychlý externí pevný disk značky Transcend v odolném silikonovém pouzdru splňující náročné armádní st

57.88 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks
Transcend ESD300S 1TB, External SSD, USB 10Gbps, Type C

The ESD300C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 2TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. Compatible with al

94.90 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks

The ESD300C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 2TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. Compatible with al

60.49 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks
Transcend ESD300S 2TB, External SSD, USB 10Gbps, Type C

The ESD300C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 2TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. Compatible with al

177.93 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
Transcend ESD300S 512GB, External SSD, USB 10Gbps, Type C

The ESD300C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 2TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. Compatible with al

56.93 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks
Transcend ESD310C 1TB, External SSD, USB 10Gbps, Type C/A

The ESD310C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 1TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. With the inclusion

97.62 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks

The ESD310C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 1TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. With the inclusion

33.57 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks

The ESD310C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 1TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. With the inclusion

49.62 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks

The ESD310C is Transcends smallest portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a capacious storage capacity of up to 1TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. With the inclusion

58.95 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks

The ESD320A is Transcends miniature portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a generous storage capacity of up to 2TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. With a retractable

82.42 €  s DPH  
Skladom 3+ ks

The ESD320A is Transcends miniature portable SSD that delivers a lightning-fast transfer rate of 10 Gbps and a generous storage capacity of up to 2TB, allowing you to transfer vast amounts of files in the blink of an eye. With a retractable

176.34 €  s DPH  
Skladom 1-2 ks
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